moab or bust: mesa county team rides strong

Excursions are an important part of The Cycle Effect programming, and our Mesa County manager tells us why.

“Adventures are special. They create memories. They offer experiences out of the ordinary. And adventures present challenges and opportunities in unfamiliar places, giving space for individuals to grow, learn and explore. The Mesa County Girls Mountain Bike Program team had their own wonderful adventure when they traveled to Moab to mountain bike the Bar M trails for their excursion day on April 20th. A team of twenty athletes, 10-15 years old, made the choice to spend their Saturday with their Cycle Effect teammates to mountain bike in a completely different state!

These longer excursion days are an incredible addition to The Cycle Effect’s programming because they give the time and space for longer, more grand adventures to unfold. Not only in the sense of mountain biking in new areas, or on new trails, but also in the way of individual growth and connection as a team.  

The van ride to and from Moab was full of laughter and quickly turned into a mobile karaoke joint as athletes sang along to their favorite songs. The camaraderie, encouragement and stories that were shared on the trail continued to build upon the strong sense of belonging among the Mesa team. A parking lot picnic post-mountain bike ride was the perfect way to wrap up our adventure, highlighting how even a simple picnic lunch can be one of the most relaxing, comfortable and fun ways to dine. And the greatest thing about it all…the twenty athletes that attended the Moab excursion day chose adventure. They chose to create memories and take on a new experience head on. And that is pretty special.”

-Coach Jaz Oeinck, Mesa County Manager

Mesa County athlete rides the Bar M Trails in Moab

A simply but gratifying parking lot picnic


Feature story: Our CEo chats with Canvasrebel magazine


the cycle effect welcomes rebecca gould as director of development